You can use the terraform-aws-eks terraform module to deploy some self-managed Bottlerocket hosts. All you have to do is override the AMI and the userdata script.

The userdata script is a toml file. Save this as userdata-bottlerocket.tpl in your terraform folder:

api-server = "${endpoint}"
cluster-certificate ="${cluster_auth_base64}"
cluster-name = "${cluster_name}"

Then, in the place you call the terraform-aws-eks module, fill in the AMI (or use the search parameters option) and reference the userdata file:

module "my-cluster" {
  cluster_version        = "1.17"
  worker_ami_name_filter = "bottlerocket-aws-k8s-1.17-x86_64-v*"
  worker_ami_owner_id    = "092701018921"
  worker_groups = [
      userdata_template_file = file("userdata-bottlerocket.tpl")